viernes, 2 de abril de 2010

El ocasional estallido de la risa

Henry: Life is nothing but the echo of joy disappearing into the
great chasm of misery.

Rudy Holt: ... Youve had better.

Henry: Life is nothing but the occasional burst of laughter rising
above the inerminable wail of grief.

Rudy Holt: Thats my favorite.

Henry: It lives in truth, thats why.

Henry: Youll be fine. Well both be fine Rudy.

Rudy Holt: Thats life Henry.

Henry: Yep.

Rudy Holt: You know what life is?

Henry: Life is a horrible little giggle in the midst of a forced
death march towards hell.

Rudy Holt: No it isnt.

Henry: An interminable wale of grief...

Rudy Holt: No. Life is a single skip for joy.

Henry: I know.


Yo ando saltando por estos días, esperando que no sea un simple eco. ¿Y tú?

Dedication... véala si quiere. Grandes personajes para una historia media fome sobre miedos infundados a ser feliz... ¿le suena conocido?

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